Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the zimdog's second pro-birth

It'll all begin differently when Julia Ormond's son meets Borat's daughter....

Perhaps it will be a crisp, Autumn day when the Route 8 bus breaks down at the Park stop....

(... stranding Rillo Ormond at the very same park where Boratelle will be flying her kite made of woven yak fur....)

The spark of love will unite the two... (... like a Bic lighter held near a flatulating anus...).

In time, the zygote will be sent up in a space jet... (... to be put in geocentric orbit at a velocity of 0.9c...).

After completing at least two googolplexes of counter-clockwise orbits, the zygote will be slowed to a speed that will allow it to grow at the standard, natural rate... (... only to be cast into a primitive, man-made wormhole that shoots it out in the year 1979... (... when it was captured by the cosmic ray that transported it to the zimdog's mother's vagina...)).

Some undisclosed number of months later, the zimdog was born!!!

(True story....)

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